The Best Tips For Cleaning Your Home

Dry Sheets

Dryer sheets are an effective way to clean your home. They can be used for many different household tasks. For instance, you can use them to clean the baseboards, window blinds and your electronics. You can even use them to wrap up seasonal decorations.


Using a squeegee to clean your home is a great way to get streak-free results. The best squeegees for cleaning windows are designed to remove water with each stroke. It can also be used on other surfaces.

When squeegeeing, it’s important to apply pressure. You can also use vinegar to get rid of stubborn dirt.


Start by getting the floor swept. This will ensure you don’t leave behind a mess. You also may want to move furniture back to where it was. If you’re not moving things around, the dirt will be tracked throughout your house.

Use a microfiber mop to get the most out of your mopping time. A microfiber pad will stick to the mop head with Velcro-like hooks. When dropping the pad, keep the microfiber side down.

No-Shoes Policy

Having a shoes-off policy in your home is a great way to keep your house clean and healthy. It is also a good way to save money. If you have guests, ask them to remove their shoes, or at least wear slippers. You can even create a makeshift mudroom complete with hooks and shelves for temporary clothing storage.